Poster for the Puppet International Festival
("Festival Internazionale dei Burattini e delle Figure")
(the project)
Genoa, 1998, First Edition


Here to the left there are links to my sketces.


The first two of the picture standing below are my first drawn. Instead, the third to the right was drawn because it was told me that the poster should be printed in black and white.

Manifesto 1 Manifesto 2 Manifesto in bianco e nero


Here below there's a link for the illustrations that I and the organizers supposed to be the poster to be used during the festival.

Prova 1 Pulcinella
Prova 2 Manifesto a matita
Prova 3 Manifesto in bianco e nero
Prova di colore Manifesto nero e bianco

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Copyright © 2005 Barbara Nicora, Genoa. All rights reserved.
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