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Andṛ's World

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My Websites: My Comic Blogs: Resources for illustrators

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index page

Illustration, Graphic, Design
Arianna Nicora Italiano Arianna Nicora
illustrator and designer
Pemberley Pond Italian Pemberley Pond
Laura and Luisa Lodetti's website
(graphic, illustration, design)
beatriz mart́n vidal Spanish beatriz mart́n vidal
Beatriz Mart́n Vidal's web site
(realistic illustration)
Lucidita Spagnolo Lucidita
Lucia Muniz
Domenico Granata Italiano Domenico Granata
Children's illustrations
Giorgia Matarese Italiano Giorgia Matarese
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Iconic Inglese Comic Art Guild
Dodo's House Mirror Italiano Dodo's House (Mirror site)
ShockDom Italiano ShockDom (Home Page)
Lucio Staiano and Maximiliano Bianchi's Online Comics Publishing

Open Shockdom: a free web space to self publish online Comics and become an Author.
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Studio SG Italian English SG Studio
Giustetti Simone's website of engineering and computer science
Web-link Italian Web-link
Andrea Bianchi's website
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C.R.E.d.E.S Italian C.R.E.d.E.S
Clara Serina's Centro Ricerche Evolutive dell'Essere website
Italian Psychologies Magazine
The "Psychologies Magazine" website
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Livio Rena's B.B. Company Italian English Livio Rena's B.B. Company
Livio Rena's B.B. Company website (under construction)
Handmade and custom-sized plexiglass / methacrylate (PMMA) works
Ancient and Modern Greek English Ancient and Modern Greek
by Patrick Manuello
short lessons on the ancient and modern Greek language and literature
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Il Presepe Italian Il Presepe
Alessandro Martinisi's Napolitan Presepio
..."il presepe è uno spaccato di vita quotidiana..."
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index page
Copyright © 2005 Barbara Nicora, Genoa. All rights reserved.
No part of this site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical
or otherwise without the author's prior consent.

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